UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design for the future

How UX/UI Design can combine business goals with an excellent user experience, why AI isn’t always the answer for new projects, and how companies can quickly, efficiently, and resourcefully improve the user experience of their products—discover all this in the following article.

UX/UI Design

UX/UI Design is a common term, often mentioned when, for instance, an online shop doesn’t achieve the desired click rate or performance. “It’s simply bad design” or “The user experience isn’t good. I can’t quickly get what I want.” To solve these issues, professional User Experience or User Interface designers offer various workshops and audits to highlight areas for improvement in digital systems and provide realistic solutions. Here are our top 3 workshops to help you quickly and effectively elevate your digital products to the next level for increased click rates and rising sales figures.

The Top 3 UX/UI Design Workshops for Improving Digital Products

  1. UX/UI Design Audit
    Concrete improvement suggestions as documentation
    In a UX (User Experience) / UI (User Interface) design audit, a UX/UI designer documents areas for improvement in your digital product in the form of a PDF or directly within a design document of your choice (e.g., Figma, Adobe XD, prototype notes). This allows you to start implementing the suggestions right away and measure your success afterward using tracking tools (e.g., Google Analytics) or user surveys.
  2. User Test Sessions (On-site and Remote)
    Quality assurance and new product ideas from customers and experts
    User test sessions typically consist of two parts: an interview and live testing, where the user completes a task on your website (e.g., “Book any trip on our website”) previously defined by you and the UX experts. Using the thinking aloud method, the user performs the tasks while verbalizing their thoughts, describing what they do to accomplish the task and how easy or difficult it is. What’s especially interesting are the comments made between the lines, as users often share insights beyond design, sometimes sparking new ideas for your product.
    The interview, conducted before or after live testing, offers a valuable opportunity to ask your user questions about the product to generate further ideas or gather feedback. However, this part should be limited to 20 minutes to avoid overwhelming the user. To get the most out of this session for product development and improvement, you should work with your UX expert to create a focused questionnaire. The session’s outcome is evaluated feedback, delivered either as a video recording (using transcription tools like condens.io) or in the form of documented tickets, which you can later review with UX/UI experts and other stakeholders as necessary.
UX/UI Design

3. Target Audience Analysis
Generating user needs and behaviors for targeted marketing strategies and discovering new product ideas
Target audiences are best summarized in personas, which are then documented as a sort of profile that promotes empathy and user-centered design. Personas help you make better design decisions and optimize your product specifically for the devices that your users actually use. Another important point is understanding the users’ technical abilities, which has a significant influence on the user flow.

UX/UI Design

Finally, let’s address why AI isn’t always the faster solution. AI, or artificial intelligence, requires training and data input from humans before it can produce acceptable results. This often demands a lot of time, money, and technical effort, especially at the beginning of a new project. As an alternative, you could send out a survey designed by UX experts to your target audience, stakeholders, or employees to gain direct insights. However, if you already have a good collection of data that can be used for complex calculations like machine learning, feel free to give it a try. In both cases, it’s beneficial to consult with an expert to ensure a resource-efficient, quick, and effective approach to reaching your project goals.


UX / UI workshops provide a wealth of benefits for both the usability and appearance of your digital products. You have the opportunity to better understand your target audience, evaluate user-centered product ideas, and improve your products. Additionally, you can test new ideas with a high probability of success in the marketplace. UX/UI experts can also help you find ways to align your business goals with the interface features of your product, embedding these goals into the minds of your customers. For stronger customer loyalty, optimal user experience, and higher sales rates, it’s wise to regularly work on your UX/UI Design, track success using data and feedback, and implement new ideas to ensure the continued development of competitive products. Get started today with your first UX / UI workshop.

UX/UI Design

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